Sunday, July 13, 2008

Realistic water animation (flash and photoshop needed)

Now I will show you how to make an incredibly realistic water animation using photoshop (to make water texture) and flash (to animate it) in 15 easy steps.

1. Open photoshop and make a new document (size: 500 x 500)

2.Make a new layer and set your foreground color to: #2e4b27 and your background color to: #212a14.

3. Go to Filter > Render > Clouds

It sould look like this:

4. Now, go to Filter > Distort > Glass

Your glass filter properties sould look like this:

5. Now select your water texture with retangular marquee tool and copy it, open flash, create new document and paste your water texture.

6. Go back to photoshop and undo your document until you get to the part where you created cloud filter and now go again to Filter > Distort > Glass and leave everything the same but make sure that you select Invert.

7. Select your 2nd texture and copy it to flash.


8. Select your first texture and convert it into a movieclip, name it water.

9. Open your movieclip and make a new layer under the first layer. Put your second texture in that layer and make sure it fits right under your first texture.

10. Now make a new layer above both of the layers and there you draw this:

11. Lock the first two layers and select those rectangles that you drew. Copy them and paste them in place (Ctrl + Shift + v) keep the pasted ones selected and move them straight up (Shift + up arrow) until it looks like this:

12. Now convert it into a movieclip, name it rectangles. Go to frame 90 and move your new movieclip (the one with rectangles) down until the top of movieclip fits with the top on your textures.

13. Select any frame betwen 0 and 90 and create a motion tween.

14. Now right click on the layer with rectangles and create a mask.

15. Test your project (to se better results try to scale down your water movieclip)

I hope I helped you with this tutorial!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Make a map like in Silent Hill 2

You are making a game and you need to make a good looking map, but you are not very good at photoshop. No problem, you can also make very good looking map in flash!

1. First you need to draw a map in flash.

This one is mine:

2. Now find a paper texture on the net. It is better to find the older paper because then it looks more realistic.

Something like this:

3. select your map and convert it into a movieclip. Now break it apart and fill the whole map black. Now make a white storke around it.

Storke properties sould look like this:

4. Now delete the black fill and put your map movieclip inside the storkes. Make sure you break it apart so the storkes would be in front of your map

It sould look like this:

5. Now convert your paper texture to a movieclip and scale it to fit your map. While you have your paper texture movieclip selected go to properties window and set blending mode to multiply (you can experiment with blending modes to see which one suites your map the best)

Properties window sould look like this:

5. Your map is finished and to make things easier convert everthing into a movieclip.

Final product sould look like this:

Hope I helped.